Week 11

Definition: An affix is an word attachment to a root or stem that gives a word a different meaning. If an affix is attached to the beginning of a word, it is called a prefix. If an affix is attached to the end of a word, it is called a suffix. https://writingexplained.org/grammar-dictionary/affix

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Importance: Affixes are very important to a child's education because it can be an access point to hundreds of thousands of new words just by using a prefix or a suffix. These affixes can have meanings which will also allow children a large insight into the meaning of words they are unfamiliar with.

Morphemic Analysis
Definition: A strategy in which the meanings of words can be determined or inferred by examining their meaningful parts (i.e., prefixes, suffixes, roots, etc.) http://reading.uoregon.edu/big_ideas/voc/voc_skills_goals.php

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Importance: The reason why morphemic analysis is so important is because it breaks down the meaning of words based on their parts. Children must learn Affixes, but if they do not know how to apply the meaning of them to a word then it is pointless to learn.

Inflectional Endings
Definition: can modify verbs to indicate tense, or when the action the verb is describing happened. Regular verbs, which are most of them, use the inflectional endings '-s,' '-ed' and '-ing' to indicate tense. https://study.com/academy/lesson/inflectional-endings-definition-examples.html

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Importance: Inflectional Endings are not a choice to teach our students. These types of endings are important for children to learn because they teach them the time in which they are writing. Past, present, and future. 

Domain Specific Academic Vocabulary 
Definition: is language or word choice that is directly related to the class for which you are writing https://sites.google.com/a/tahomasd.us/the-writing-collegium/home/language-and-vocabulary/academic-and-domain-specific-vocabulary

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Importance: Domain specific vocab is something that is actually very important to our education system but could easily be missed or not pushed enough. This vocabulary is specific for certain subjects. This is a great way for students to obviously expand their vocab but get lots of practice using it in that specific subject area.

General Academic Vocabulary
Definition: is language that is aimed at an intelligent audience. These are "Word of the Day" words, SAT words, and the words you might find on vocabulary assignments https://sites.google.com/a/tahomasd.us/the-writing-collegium/home/language-and-vocabulary/academic-and-domain-specific-vocabulary

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Importance: The important reason being for general academic vocab is primarily to use throughout the day, school year, at home, etc. This is vocab you use across the boards. As you grow in age and physically, your vocabulary and academic knowledge should grow with it. 

Syllable Juncture (BONUS)
Syllable juncture is a term used to identify the point at which two syllables join. The patterns that exist between vowels and consonants at this point sends cues to the reader/speller about the likely point of division that might be useful for decoding or encoding a new word. 

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Importance: The reason being that syllable junctures are important to children is because a lot of the times grown adults cannot correctly segment words into their syllables. If children are able to do this, it will put them ahead for being able to read words that are unfamiliar as well as being able to determine prefixes and suffixes. 

Accented Syllables (BONUS)



Unaccented Final Syllables (BONUS)


