Definition: the origin and history of a word or words, or the study of word origins
Importance: Etymology is very important to a child's academic learning because it can create an infatuation with learning more depth with words and how they came about. Also, children can create connections with words once knowing their origins.
Definition: this usually refers to a base or word root together with any derivational affxes that have been added, and to which inflectional endings may be added (Words Their Way).
Importance: To me, Stem is just another word for a root or base word. This word is important because as it says, it is a base word for hundreds of other words. Before moving on to adding affixes, you have to understand what you are adding on to.
Free Morpheme
Definition: Morphemes that can stand alone to function as words. hey comprise simple words (the, run, well) and compound words (keyboard, greenhouse)
Importance: Free morphemes are simply words that stand alone. The base word is the free morpheme. The reason I believe children must understand the term free morpheme is so they can understand the term bound morpheme.
Bound Morpheme
Definition: Morphemes that can only be attached to another part of a word (cannot stand alone)
Importance: Bound Morphemes are important for children to learn and understand because they are the part of the word that cannot be left alone. In order to identify the bound morpheme or affixes you look for the part of the word that does not make sense if you break it a part from the word.
Concept Sorts
Definition: A concept sort is a vocabulary and comprehension strategy used to familiarize students with the vocabulary of a new topic or book. Teachers provide students with a list of terms or concepts from reading material.
Importance: Concept sorts are one of the things that I have found to be extremely important to the education of our students, especially those of young age. There are so many different types of concept sorts that you as a teacher can use to get our students young minds thinking and turning. A lot of the time concept sorts are sorts that have to do with things in common.
Absorbed / Assimilated Prefix (BONUS)
Read the following words: inmobile, inpatience, inlegal, inregular. Did they sound and feel awkward or strange? That same awkwardness in pronunciation occurred in Latin over 2,000 years ago; so over time, the sound of /n/ became assimilated or "absorbed" into the sound at the beginning of the word to which in- was attached, and eventually the spelling changed to reflect this assimila- tion. prefixes; in- im- il- ir-
Read the following words: inmobile, inpatience, inlegal, inregular. Did they sound and feel awkward or strange? That same awkwardness in pronunciation occurred in Latin over 2,000 years ago; so over time, the sound of /n/ became assimilated or "absorbed" into the sound at the beginning of the word to which in- was attached, and eventually the spelling changed to reflect this assimila- tion. prefixes; in- im- il- ir-
in- im- il- ir- all mean = NOT or THE OPPOSITE OF
Importance: The reason Assimilated Prefixes are so important to our students education is because it honestly does not make sense. Affixes have certain sounds and meanings in which when they attatch to a word, changes the words meaning. So why would we create multiple prefixes that mean the exact same thing but are all different. Children must understand the reason for these prefixes and that they can have the same meaning but be different for each word.
Consonant/Vowel Alternation (BONUS)
Reduced Vowels
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