Interactive writing
Definition: Interactive writing is a writing process used to teach (usually younger) students how to write. The process involves the sharing of a pen between the teacher and students.
Importance: The concept of interactive writing is important to our children's education because by using different techniques such as this one, you are able to physically give instructional directions, lead by example, and allow for group discussion. Also during this practice, you can end up teaching much more than you originally thought by meaningful class interruptions.
High frequency words
Definition: High frequency words are quite simply those words which occur most frequently in written material, for example, "and", "the", "as" and "it". They are often words that have little meaning on their own, but they do contribute a great deal to the meaning of a sentence.
Importance: High Frequency Words are words that appear all the time which obviously means we see them more frequently. Because these words appear more often, it allows students to make connections as to where they are used and what they mean when they are used.
Definition: The word ‘orthography’ is comprised of two Greek words: ‘Orthos’ meaning straight, right or correct and ‘graph’ meaning to write. So, literally, orthography means writing correctly. In literacy, orthography refers to writing words with the proper letters in the correct order according to accepted usage.
Importance: Orthography represents everything a student must learn to do. Phonics is teaching what letters sound a certain way and how they correlate with the individual letters and with other letters, as well as correctly putting them together to form words and later on sentences. If a student is struggling with this concept, he is more than likely going to be struggling with phonics as a whole.
Word solving
Definition: Using directions, key hints, and side tips and tricks to figure out the correct way of spelling a word. EX. books, rhyming, syllables, word wall, friend, etc. (in class definition)
Importance: Word solving is important to education and also the learning of phonics because students are using their previously learned knowledge to sound out, clap out, reread, and so forth, words they may not know exactly, but well enough that they can get them mostly right. This teaches students to use their resources of previous knowledge, asking a friend for help, looking it up in a book, using the word wall and so forth.
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